What is Distributed Electricity Generation?
- Distributed electricity generation is an approach that uses small-scale sources and converters to produce electricity close to the utilization point of that power. This form of generation is commonly associated with modular and renewable-energy generators.
- Distributed generation uses decentralized small, modular power technologies to generate energy.
- It is an approach that employs small-scale technologies to produce electricity close to the end users of power.
1. Increasing sustainability of healthcare facility distributed energy systems
Hospitals must have robust power systems to continue operations in the event of a grid outage
Continuous power supply is critical to maintain healthcare facilities and the health and safety of patients during emergency operations. As a result, hospitals must have robust power systems to continue operations in the event of a grid outage. Most of these systems are powered by diesel generators. Healthcare companies seek to improve their sustainability and to protect their power systems against risk. They are beginning to incorporate renewable energy into their distributed electricity generation systems. Sustainable options like solar power with battery backup can mitigate the risks of traditional backup power sources while also reducing environmental impact.
2. Keeping critical operations on-line
St Thomas’ Hospital, is located on the South Bank of the River Thames in Westminster.
SSE is proud to support such a prestigious site and has installed and maintained numerous BeMS systems. This is borne out by our commitment to operate in an often-challenging environment where keeping services running isn’t optional, it’s critical.
3. Specifing hospital electrical distribution systems
On the surface, the distributed electricity generation system of a hospital may look the same as that for other types of buildings—offices, hotels, etc. Panelboards, switchboards, transformers, circuit breakers, and other products are all common to other types of projects. The differences lie primarily in the size and complexity of the electrical systems. The overall size of the electrical system, requires enhanced needs for more emergency power that can remain operational for longer durations.
4. Healthcare
Ameresco can improve healthcare facility management by retrofitting existing healthcare facilities for greater efficiency. It develops a comprehensive energy management system utilizing renewable energy sources. Hospital energy savings from Ameresco projects average 30% annually. The money that can be used for facility upgrades, new equipment or additional staff.
We can own, maintain and operate hospital energy generation systems, then sell back power and steam, freeing healthcare facilities from the costs and risks associated with energy generation. We can also develop a phased implementation plan that guarantees energy flow to critical hospital systems.
Reliable, Renewable Hospital Energy
Ameresco understands that the reliability of hospital energy is a top concern for healthcare facility management. Critical hospital energy systems must be online and available 24 hours a day, even when the power grid is compromised.
Modern renewable energy systems actually decrease energy risk and provide higher levels of energy security. On-site geothermal and biomass systems can be used for backup power independent of the power grid. Locally sourced renewables, such as hydroelectric and landfill-gas-to-energy, put the facility closer to the power source, minimizing transmission risk.