English Publications

Energy Efficient Green Hospitals

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Greek Publications

Συζητώντας για την Ενέργεια και την Κλιματική Αλλαγή - Βουρδουμπάς Γιάννης





  • Vourdoubas, J. “Energy efficient green hospitals – The concept of net zero carbon emission hospitals”, ELIVA Press, Chisinau, Moldova, 2022.

Publications in Scientific Journals

  1. Vourdoubas, J. (2015). Creation of zero CO2 emissions hospitals due to energy use. A case study in Crete-Greece, Journal of Engineering and Architecture, 3(2), 79-86.
  2. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Possibilities of using solid biomass for covering the heating needs in hospitals in Crete, Greece, Studies in Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 124-131.
  3. Vourdoubas, J. (2018). Energy consumption and carbon emissions in Venizelio hospital in Crete, Greece: can it be carbon neutral?, Journal of Engineering and Architecture, 6(1), 19-27.
  4. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Applications of distributed electricity generation systems in hospitals, European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1), 10-20.
  5. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Use of renewable energy sources for heat and cooling generation in hospitals, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 79(1), 98-112.
  6. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibility of using fuel cells for co- generation of heat and power in Venizelio hospital in Crete, Greece, Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 11(1), 51-61.
  7. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibilities of using sustainable energy technologies in hospitals including CHP systems, solar photovoltaics and heat pumps, European Journal of Energy Research, 2(2), 1-8.

      8. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Review of sustainable energy technologies and financial tools for achieving net-zero emission hospitals, Journal of  Environment and    Ecology, 13(2), 18-33.
      9. Vourdoubas, J. (2022).   Offset of carbon emissions due to enery use in hospitals via reforestration in advanced mines. A case-study in Chania, Crete, Greece, American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 86(1), 226-238.
     10. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Benign energy technologies and financial mechanisms for acieving net-zero emission hospitals, In the book: Research Highlights in Science and Technology, vol. 6, chapter 1, pages 1-19, published by BP International, ISBN: 978-81-19491-18-6.