

  • Preliminary energy audit: Preliminary report regarding energy consumption and carbon emissions due to energy use. Energy consumption per sector. Heat and electricity consumption. Comparison of specific energy consumption with energy consumption in other hospitals. Outline of an energy management plan.
  • Decrease of energy consumption: Proposed methods of reducing energy consumption in the hospital with cost evaluation. Examination of different scenarios regarding energy savings.
  • Reduction of carbon emissions: Several methods of reducing carbon emissions using various technologies in the hospital with cost evaluation. Examination of different scenarios regarding carbon emissions savings with various technologies combined with cost evaluation in each technology.
  • Offsetting carbon emissions: Possibilities of carbon offsetting with different schemes combined with cost evaluation of the proposed offsetting schemes.
  • Communication of your activities: Preparation of a plan for communicating your activities in the media.
  • What do we need?: Various parameters regarding the hospital buildings, fuels and energy use in various sectors, its surroundings etc. 

Stage 1. Energy audit and energy benchmarking in the hospital

During this stage various data will be collected from the hospital  (if available) regarding the energy consumption (KWh/m2 year, KWh/bed year) in different sectors, the fuels and the energy used (oil, natural gas, electricity, transportation fuel) as well as several characteristics of the buildings (covered surface, m2, thermal insulations, etc) and the hospital (number of beds, ambulances).

The collected data will be analyzed and a first report concerning the energy audit and energy benchmarking in the hospital will be produced. Then the hospital will have the option to proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2. Preliminary report for achieving carbon neutrality

After the approval of the previous report by the hospital the next stage will be initiated. Stage 2 will indicate several different roadmaps (at least two or three) for achieving carbon neutrality in the hospital. Several different routes for that will be outlined and justified. Each route will include three steps as follows:

  1.  Energy saving in the hospital reducing the initial energy use,
  2.  Use of sustainable energies either renewable energies or low carbon energy technologies, and
  3.  Offsetting any remaining carbon emissions.

This preliminary report will include for each roadmap:

  1. Sizing of the proposed sustainable energy systems regarding energy production and an estimation of energy savings that could be achieved in a cost-efficient way,
  2. Preliminary cost estimation of the proposed sustainable energy systems,
  3. Estimation of any carbon offsetting required and their cost, and
  4. Proposals for green transportation in the hospital.

The preliminary report will be given to the hospital and after consultation one (or maybe two) route(s) will be chosen for further study. Then the hospital will have the option to proceed to stage 3.

Stage 3. Final report for achieving carbon neutrality

The selected route for detailed study will be further investigated to give more accurate data regarding the technical characteristics of the energy systems.  In the final report a better and more accurate cost estimation will be given that will enable the management of the hospital to make a rational decision for the required clean energy investments to achieve carbon neutrality in the hospital.

The hospital has the option to proceed in  stage three with an Energy consulting office that had a previous technical cooperation or with an Energy Service Company (ESCO) which has the energy experts and the required experience to achieve satisfactory results. In this case our company could act as an external collaborator in the project.